The Albanese Government’s 2023‑24 Budget deals with Australia’s immediate economic challenges and delivers relief for household budgets says Sam Rae MP, Federal Member for Hawke.
“This is a Budget that delivers on our promises, provides cost of living relief for our community and is focused on fixing Medicare,” said Mr Rae.
In addition to existing initiatives on cheaper childcare and cheaper medicines, Labor has announced a new Energy Price Relief Plan that will provide relief for more than five million households.
“Labor’s Energy Price Relief Plan will provide local residents and businesses with a rebate of up to $500,” said Mr Rae.
“This will make a real difference to household budgets – helping families in our community to get ahead.”
“We are also strengthening Medicare by tripling bulk billing incentives so that over 83,000 people in Hawke can get access to bulk-billed GP appointments.”
“This is another way Labor is fighting to improve people’s lives here in Hawke.”
“And we’re doing all this while bringing the budget back to surplus for the first time in 15 years.”
Labor’s Treasurer, Dr Jim Chalmers, said that the program was just one example of how the Albanese Labor Government was delivering for Hawke.
“We made a promise to the Australian people, that after a wasted decade we would work hard every day,” said the Treasurer.
“This Budget is about delivering a stronger foundation for a better future.”
“Labor is delivering the positive and lasting change that Australians voted for, by making childcare cheaper, expanding paid parental leave, delivering fee-free TAFE, saving households money on their power bills, making medicines cheaper and getting wages moving again.”